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Fire Plow
Fire Plow - Pictures & Movies
A fireplow is a fire-making method used on Pacific islands.
There, hibiscus wood is used with great effect to work up a coal that is
then used to ignite the tinder bundle.
A fireplow is operated by quickly rubbing the handle
back and forth along a groove in the fireboard. This builds up a pile of
hot fine sawdust at the end of the groove, which becomes a coal.
Fireplow made in Arizona
Fireplow demonstration and movies by
Here are 3 videos of a fireplow being used in Arizona.
The handle and board are made of sotol (see below).
Stroking the fireplow...
Click on the small photo to watch
movie |

Windows Media
format (WMV)
320x240, 1.2MB |
tipping the coal onto tinder...
Click on the small photo to watch
movie |

Windows Media
format (WMV)
320x240, 550KB |
blowing the tinder into flame!
Click on the small photo to watch
movie |

Windows Media
format (WMV)
320x240, 831KB |

Photo by Rob Bicevskis
Here is a photo of Sotol (Dasylirion
wheeleri). One of the common names is "desert
spoon." |
Fireplow made of Ontario materials
Pictures and movies by Walter Muma
Below are pictures of a fireplow being used at the
Trackers June 2002 meeting.
This fireplow set uses locally found (S. Ontario)
materials: a balsam fir base and a poplar handle
(scraper). They didn't get fire, but did get a lot of smoke. The hardest
part of using a fireplow is getting all of the hot wood dust piled up in
one spot so it can coalesce into a coal.
Note that the traditional posture for the fireplow is unlike that for
the handdrill and bowdrill; that is the board isn't held by the foot.
Rather the board is much longer (5'-6') and is sat upon.

The Ontario fire plow set. The
fireboard is balsam fir, the handle is poplar.
These photos show the proper technique for
gripping the handle...
Here is a movie of this
fireplow being used. Notice that a lot of smoke is generated.
need more practice before a coal is obtained.
Click on the small photo to watch
movie |

Windows Media format (WMV)
320x240, 722 KB