To carry a coal, set the piece of Tinder Fungus or False Tinder Fungus
smouldering. Then wrap it in something to keep the air off it while you carry it.
It needs to breath a little though, or the coal will go out. Experiment with
ways of carrying it. I have used birch bark wrapped around it, leaving a tiny
hole at the top for the smoke to escape. Check it periodically to ensure that
the coal hasn't spread - it has a tendency, especially if too much air gets at
it, to spread and start to consume the entire piece of fungus.
I was able to
carry fire in a small 2" x 3" piece for about 2 hours, wrapped in a
piece of birch bark. The fungus may get rather hot as the coal penetrates deeper
into it. Makes a good hand warmer, though!
This photo shows a piece of False Tinder Fungus that has been
smouldering for about 1/2 -
3/4 hour.