All you need in order to make a cooking/eating bowl is a
chunk of wood and hot coals. (A blowing tube will speed
the burning process.) [2] Homemade tongs handle hot
stones for rock boiling. [3] Use one burning coal, and
then "sand" a spoon to shape. [4] A bone knife is a
valuable tool. [5] You can grind wild grains in a
hallowed-out rock metate. [6] A stone oven bakes meat,
bread and tubers. |
After supplying him- or herself with
shelter, water, and warmth, the survivalist must give
attention to the search for nourishment. However, even after
locating food, folks who find themselves unexpectedly stranded
in the wilderness aren't likely to have much in the way of
supplies or cooking equipment. For that reason, I'm going to
devote this article to describing survival cooking techniques
that require no ready-made tools or other manufactured gear.
The only implements mentioned in this piece will be those you
can easily make yourself, and the rudimentary skills used to
fashion them should be within the capabilities of almost
Naturally, the first thing to consider
when survival cooking becomes necessary is how best to prepare
the meal with the materials at hand. Stewing is probably the
most useful all-round cooking method because it's simple, a
stew can be saved—and added to—from one meal to the next (many
pioneers and early settlers kept a pot bubbling on the fire
all year long), and the various combinations of food can
provide plenty of nutrition. Unfortunately, making a stew does
require a cooking vessel of some kind. Pit cooking is a good
second choice, but it is both time- and effort-intensive.
Spitroasting and frying are adequate, too . . . but not as
desirable as the first two options, because much of the
nutritional value of the food is often lost in such
Fire is one of humankind's most important tools, and
its value is magnified in a survival situation (see MOTHER NO.
73, page 78, for tips on starting a fire without matches). Not
only does it provide warmth for the body and heat for cooking,
but it can also serve as a means of carving, bending, and
forming implements that are necessary for wilderness living:
And since, when faced with an unexpected emergency, many
people are likely to lack even a pocketknife, fire must often
be relied on to make the cooking utensils that are essential
to assuring long-term subsistence.
With the help of fire, a simple cooking
container—a pot, a cup, or a spoon—can be made in the
wilderness. Your first task is to find a suitable log or
branch. Simply look around the area until you locate a chunk
of wood that's neither punky nor rotten, but big enough to be
made into a practicable container. A piece of timber that'll
hold a quart or two of liquid and solids when its center has
been burnt out to form a bowl will make a good stew pot.
Take care, however, that you don't use a
variety of tree that's potentially poisonous. I try to utilize
pines, cedars, hemlocks, firs, oaks, hickories, and sassafras
for my cooking utensils and containers. And remember:
Hardwoods take more time and effort to burn out, but they're
better than softwoods at holding foodstuffs without allowing
liquids to seep into the container walls.
Once you've selected a suitable chunk of
raw material, chip away the bark from one side until you have
a flat surface, or platform. Then place hot, glowing embers
from your fire in the center of the level spot and blow on
them, causing them to burn slowly into the wood.
Because the coals will tend to burn
directly down, you'll find that the process creates a natural
bowl shape. Using this technique, you should be able to
fashion a one- to two-quart pot from a cedar log in a little
less than an hour. (Harder woods like oak can take two hours
or more.) With a bit of patience and practice you'll find that
containers of several sizes can be fashioned fairly quickly
and adapted to a wide variety of uses in your wilderness
After charring the depression to the size
and shape you want, use a sharp stone to scrape out the burnt,
flaky residue inside the bowl. Then find a rounded rock
and use it as a sanding stone to grind out and finish your
work. The result will be a vessel that's very effective for
cooking and holding foods.
Fashioning a spoon involves a similar
operation. Simply take a piece of wood about 1/2 inch thick
and 6 to 7 inches long, and place a single hot coal close to
one end. Blow on the ember steadily until a small, dish-shaped
depression has been formed. Then scrape out the burned area,
and use a rock to sand or carve the rest of the wood to a
shape that suits your hand.
Actually, you'll find that stones are
useful for more than merely scraping and carving utensils. In
fact, they're among the best all; purpose tools available to
the survivalist. A rock can do just about anything that an
axe, knife, or piece of sandpaper can, and the earth provides
us with a wide assortment of stone shapes and textures from
which to choose.
Rocks can, for example, be struck against
one another to form sharp fragments or edges good for scraping
and cutting a variety of materials. (As your proficiency
grows, you might want to learn to work rocks with simple
knapping or abrading techniques to create sharp, long-lasting
edges.) They can also be used for grinding and whetting, since
their many variations in grit and texture make them fit for a
number of such tasks. You can even form a rock into a dish or
metate, for grinding wild grains, by hitting it with a hammer
stone (a small, easily held rock that's harder than the one
you're shaping) in a circular, pecking motion. True, the
procedure will take a long time . . . but any tool that you
can make of rock is likely to improve your chances of getting
out of a survival situation alive and in good health.
Bones can also become good tools. By
selecting suitable ones (such as the cannon bone from a deer)
and sharpening them on a rock with a simple abrading motion,
you can produce serviceable knives, scrapers, and awls.
As I've mentioned before, all animals
that you intend to eat should be thoroughly cooked to insure
that any parasites they might contain will be destroyed . . .
in other words, treat all meat as though it were pork. Each
creature (with the exception of insects) should be
eviscerated, skinned, and carefully checked for any diseases
or abnormalities prior to cooking (use unhealthy-looking
specimens only for bait). Some plants, too, must be cooked to
render them edible, because many contain poisons that need to
be destroyed by heat. (For more detailed information on this
matter, refer to a good field guide or my article on the
subject on page 66 of MOTHER NO. 75.)
Here, then, are half a dozen reliable
wilderness food-preparation methods.
Rock boiling. This
is not only one of the oldest forms of cooking, but probably
also the most useful in situations when you're forced to
employ a container that can't be heated directly over a fire.
Using hot rocks, food can be cooked in one of the hollowed-out
wooden vessels described in this article . . . and much of the
nutrition contained in the raw ingredients will be retained.
The best rocks for this purpose are small
and rounded, about the size of golf balls. However, because
some stones store water in tiny cracks and fissures, it's best
not to take them from streams or other damp areas. Heating
such a rock can cause the water it contains to vaporize and
expand, often exploding the stone dangerously. For that
reason, only bone-dry rocks should be used. I also recommend
that sandstone, flint, obsidian, quartz, and any other hard,
fireformed silicate types be avoided, as they tend to shatter
when heated and then placed in water.
To cook your meal, collect from six to
ten small stones and heat them in a fire for about two hours
(when in an actual survival situation, it's a good idea to
keep a number of them in your fire at all times). Place the
edible plants and animal parts you intend to cook in your
hollowed log, cover them with water, and then remove a rock
from the fire with a forked stick or a set of twig tongs and
put it in the cooking pot. The water around the rock will
begin to boil at once, and, as you keep heating and adding
stones, all the liquid in the container will eventually be
bubbling. When the boiling begins to slow, remove the first
rocks and replace them with fresh ones, continuing the process
until your dinner is ready.
Spit cooking. Another ancient form of food preparation, open-fire
roasting, is quick but does tend to waste much of the
nutritional value of the food. A gutted, skinned, and cleaned
animal is simply skewered on a spit made from a thin
(nonpoisonous) sapling, suspended over the heat, and turned
frequently. (It's best to cook over coals, since open flame
will char the meat.) Roots and tubers can be added to the spit
and cooked along with the meat, shish kebab style, or wrapped
in wet leaves or grasses and roasted in the coals.
Pit cooking. This
method is as effective and nutritious as stew cooking, but
requires considerably more time and effort. First, dig a hole
in the ground (for a rabbit, as an example, your pit would
measure about 2 feet square and 1-1/2 feet deep), line the
bottom with flat, dry rocks, and build a fire over the stones,
allowing it to burn for at least 3 hours (until the rocks are
hot and glowing). Then, about 2-1/2 hours before you plan to
eat, scrape out the remainder of the fire and the coals, and
line the pit with at least 8 inches of green, nonpoisonous
grasses. On top of these, place the food
to be cooked: meat, tubers, roots, or other hearty fare (herbs
and such are likely to burn up if you try cooking them this
way). Next, place another 8 inches of grasses over the food .
. . then seal off the pit with slabs of bark. Finally, cover
it with at least 6 inches of earth and allow the meal to cook
for about 2-1/2 hours. When it's time to eat, just scrape the
dirt away, remove the bark, and pull out the greenery . . .
being careful not to burn yourself, since the grass will be
hot and steamy. Your food will be well-cooked, and should have
retained most of its natural juices.
Fry-rock method. A fry
rock is simply a flat, thin rock that has been cleaned of all
dirt and debris (I like to scour mine with some horsetail or
dried grasses to remove the dust and grit). Place the fry rock
over the fire, propped on three or four small stones, and
allow it to get hot. You'll find you can cook just about
anything with the same results you'd get from a metal frying
pan. But while it's a quick and easy cooking method, rock
frying will deprive you of many of your food's essential
Rock oven baking. You can
make an oven alongside your fire pit by building a rectangular
structure of rock with its opening facing the fire. Close off
the back, sides, and top with dirt and sod, and the box will
catch and retain some of the heat given off by the flames,
allowing you to bake food in it as you would in a stove's
oven. The temperature can be controlled either by shifting the
position of the fire, or by letting it die down. (When
removing your meal, keep your hands well away from the rocks.
They'll be very hot and could cause severe burns.)
Board or rock reflector system.
This simple method uses a rock or slab of
wood (again, be sure it's from a nonpoisonous tree) propped,
at about a 45° angle, in such a way that the heat from the
fire will slowly bake meat that's been placed against the
reflector. The food should be turned often for even cooking.
In a survival situation, storing food is a must if
you're going to get through the lean times when you come up
empty-handed. Luckily, it's easy enough to do. By simply
jerking meat and drying roots and tubers—and storing them in a
cool, dry place—you'll be able to keep meals preserved until
you need them.
The best way to prepare meat for storage
is to cut it into thin strips—a quarter-inch thick, an-inch
wide, and as long as possible—taking care to remove as much
fat as you can. Hang the ribbons on a makeshift drying rack or
dead bush in an area exposed to direct sunlight, allowing them
to cure until they crack when bent. The best storage spot for
the finished jerky would be in the back of a cave or in some
other cool, nonhumid area such as one of the leaf huts I
described in MOTHER NO. 71 (page 58). A dry hole in the
ground, lined with dried-out grasses and covered with a flat
rock, is another good storage cache.
Small animals such as squirrels,
chipmunks, and certain birds can be easily dried by simply
cleaning, skinning, and opening up the carcass and then
leaving it to dehydrate in the sun. After the meat is dry, the
animal should be pounded with a rock in order to split the
bones and expose the marrow, then left to sun-dry a
second time
(if this isn't done, the marrow will rot and spoil the meat).
Roots and tubers can be preserved for
storage by slicing them very thin and allowing them to dry
thoroughly on a flat rock placed in the sun. Herbs and other
leafy vegetables should be bundled up and hung—root side
uppermost—in a dry, shady place (such as the inside of your
Finally, and most important of all,
remember that the best time to practice any survival
skills—cooking, foraging, or whatever—is before you need
them. When you're lost in the back country, cold, hungry, and
probably more than a little bit scared, it is definitely the
wrong time to be just learning how
to stay alive. Wilderness living requires hard-earned
knowledge . . . but even if you're never lost in the wilds,
the rewards of mastering survival lore are substantial. By
doing so, you'll not only build your self-confidence, but also
increase your ability to enjoy and respect the natural world
around you.
For more material by and about Tom Brown Jr. and the Tracker School
visit the Tracker Trail